Your Personalized Forest Consulting Experience 

Gain clarity, direction and accountability with the ACADEMY MEMBERSHIP

Let's Talk!

Navigating landownership alone can feel daunting.

The problem is you've inherited this responsibility, but you feel ill-equipped to make the right land management decisions on your own. You've been unable to attend other traditional events, or maybe have felt uncomfortable showing up for them and now you just feel stuck. 

You've been Googling endlessly, signing up for so many free webinars, you feel like you're a hamster running on a hamster wheel... going, going, and going... and yet not actually making any real progress...

Perhaps you've felt intimidated being the only, or one of few women in a male-dominated event who all seem to have known one another for years. When everyone else seems to have everything together, you don't even "know what you don't know" to ask. 


Our membership offers the expert guidance and personalized support you need. With one-on-one consulting calls, you’ll cut through the jargon and pinpoint exactly how to apply knowledge to your forestland. We'll help you set clear goals and provide the accountability you need to step off that hamster wheel—once and for all.

The ACADEMY MEMBERSHIP has Something for Every Stage of Land Stewardship

No matter your experience level or knowledge, we have modules on all your major topics broken into the five segments every landowner goes through and needs to know and I'm here WITH YOU every step of the way.

The ACADEMY has Something for Every Stage of Land Stewardship

No matter your experience level or knowledge, we have modules on all your major topics broken into the five segments every landowner goes through and needs to know. 

Succession Stage

Recognize what professionals to work with, which considerations to make and plans to make for a lasting family legacy.

Mid Management Stage

Discover how you can improve and enhance your forestland and wildlife habitat. 

Harvesting Stage

Learn everything you need to know selling timber and how to protect yourself from a bad timber cutting.

Reforestation Stage

Determine how you should plant and make sure you're getting the results you want.


Understand the financial responsibilities and revenue opportunities with your forestland.

Land stewardship isn't a race!

Land stewardship isn't a race!

But we provide the roadwheel to help you navigate no matter what stage you are entering from.

Start Navigating Land Stewardship Today

Meet Your Host

Danielle has been practicing forestry since 2014. Since 2020, she has shifted her expertise to perfecting online forestland management training programs for women and family forest landowners. 

During this time, the Academy membership has evolved into what it is today: your personalized, forestry coaching experience with access to next level trainings for every stage of land stewardship.

The Academy is built to meet you right where you are and grow with you along your land stewardship journey.

Learn More About Danielle

See What Past Land and Ladies Participants are Saying...

Candice A. 

"We are excited to buy land within the next couple of years and the information you and your colleagues have shared. The Woman Landowner Academy has bolstered my confidence in my ability to make important land purchase and management decisions."

Sylvia D.

“I thoroughly enjoyed and benefited from your Landowner Academy. Great work! I look forward to future webinars, workshops and symposiums.” 

Lyn O.

"Danielle is so knowledgeable, and she presents and shares that knowledge in a very helpful way. What a great discovery this class was for me. I now have the confidence to manage my timberland."

Jessica H.

"These two programs not only got me thinking outside the box on some things, but it also got me very motivated to start the process of actually getting a management plan started. It was definitely easy to navigate and I really liked that you could see the progress through the program."


Anne P.  

"So glad for this course! I grew up here in Tennessee, but my dad's family is from South Georgia, where I am trying to manage the land 8 hours away after my father passed away in 2019.My two brothers and I will inherit it someday and I want to keep it in the family if possible."

...And this is just from our group class in The Woman Landowner Academy!


Pam S.

The Academy Includes:



  • 1-on-1 Coaching Calls: Get your own personal land stewardship guide! Our tailored coaching sessions will help you create action plans as unique as your land.

  • FULL Access to the Land and Ladies Portal: Dive into our treasure trove of wisdom! With expert sessions, Q&As, and courses for every stage of land stewardship, your journey just got a whole lot easier and more exciting.

  • Land & Ladies Facebook Community: Join a tribe of like-minded land stewards! Share tips, gain support, and make lifelong friends who understand the joys and challenges of land stewardship.

  • Discounted Land and Ladies Symposium Registration: Score VIP access at a special rate! Learn, network, and celebrate with fellow landowners at our highly anticipated biannual symposium (Coming 2025!).

Membership Rate



4 Monthly Payments




Ruth had Naomi. Esther had Mordecai.

Being an Academy Member means you now have your own forestry mentor to help give you direction to any and all the answer questions you may have!

Have questions still? Schedule a FREE 15 Minute Consultation First!

@landandladies Foresters are in the service industry. Whether for family landowners or private corporations…. Our work is a work of passion that benefits everyone. But a common misconception is foresters just want the timber money. And I think Paul sums up this concept best in 1 Corinthians 9:3-4, 7, 10-12. Our work is for a greater purpose, a stewardship purpose for our love of the woods, the natural environment, our stewardship responsibility for God… And as Paul says in vs 12 “If others have this right of support from you, shouldn’t we have it all the more?” Yes- forestry consulting and advice costs money… but that investment will greatly increase not only the ROI of your lands but also the longevity and sustainability of your land to stay within the family! If you’re struggling to talk and understand working with a forester, check out my latest podcast episode where I share 3 tips to improving your communication with the forester - Enrooted, the podcast: episode #33 #landandladies #landownership #sustainableforestry #christianbusiness #forestmanagement #faithfamilyforest #landmanagement #christianlessons #inheritance #forester #forestrywork #biblicalprinciples #greatestshowman #seetheotherside #greenscreen ♬ original sound - Danielle Atkins

I know you may feel uncertain IF this is a good fit for you...

Which is why I have a THREE CALL, No Questions Asked GUARANTEE!!

I understand land ownership is a marathon and not a sprint, and most steps take time…. Which is why if there’s even a slight chance you think this will work for you, you should enroll today! Try the material, commit to THREE actionable consulting calls, and if by the end of the third call you simply feel that this program is not a right fit for you… If you decide the Academy hasn’t provided any benefit to you, your land stewardship decisions and plans, just reach out to customer support at [email protected] and you’ll receive 100% refund, no questions asked! 

Why would I do this?

Because money is finite. And I understand when you're investing into your land, there's a natural risk with a no-refund option. I want you to feel 100% comfortable in our work together and so this doesn't become another thing that might grow resentment towards your landownership due to money stress.

What's in the resource library? 

Plus Expert Sessions such as...

and More...

Don't see you questions here? Email us directly as [email protected]